Instrumentation to control the chemical dosing and management of your steam boiler water every minute of the day all year round.
Aquanet systems are in operation on land and ships types throughout the world. In the marine industry they are used in Cruise ships, FPSO's, Tankers and Gas and Product Carriers, across on land in a variety of installations from the food and pharmaceutical industries to power stations.
All our systems include these essential benefits;
Continuous monitoring and control
Rapid reaction to varying loads and conditions means that the vessel's water systems and equipment are given the correct protection at all times.
Correct Chemical Application
Correctly applied water treatment chemical dosing not only makes sure systems are protected, but also that expensive chemical over dosage is kept to a minimum.
AQUANET systems can be reconfigured to suit all major chemical provider's specified treatment regimes.
Constant System Performance Monitoring.
Engineers at best, are only able to test boiler water conditions daily. Chemical dosing is adjusted to suit that condition. Changes in boiler or plant load are rarely compensated for, leading to constant over or under dosing.
AQUANET systems are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week constantly measuring and adjusting boiler chemistry and conditions for optimum efficiency.
Automatic scum blow down valves can keep boiler water conductivity levels within the boiler manufacturers' optimum range at all times.
Economic use of Chemicals and Water
AQUANET systems are configured, using the chemical treatment providers dosing data, to give optimum chemical performance and economy.
Metered blow down rate keeps boiler water wastage to a minimum and avoids blow down operations at critical times.
Full performance history and chemical dosage monitoring.
Performance History
AQUANET systems give ship managers a complete historical overview of system performance.
Essential maintenance and operational decisions can be made with confidence.